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Freitag, 12. Juni 2020, 11:21

Need help with machines Merkur and NSM Lowen

Help with slot machines NSM and Merkur

Hello Friends,

My name is Dino from Macedonia.
First of all I apologize for not writing in German language.
My knowledge of german is extremely limited and I navigate the forums using google translate.
I would like to ask for your advice and evaluation of my machines.

I have in my possesion 7 slot machines from different brands:
NSM Lowen and Merkur (as I understand it)
They have been in storage for around 20 years, and were very dusty.
They all power up and light up perfectly, BUT 6 of the machines have
GESTORT on them.
Which translate says it means they are DISTRUBED.
Other than this, the machines and electronics inside are INCREDIBLY well perserved and in MINT condition.
So, my questions are:

1. How much are they worth? Should I bother with them?
2. Can some of you guys help me fix them? Where should i start?
3. How do I remove the coins from the coin tubes (all of them are FULL)

I want to get them in working condition and ultimately sell them in Germany.
I can arrange cheap truck transport to anywhere in Germany.

I am sorry if my post is not exactly following forum rules.

Thanks in advance.
Please check ATTACHMENTS.
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Freitag, 12. Juni 2020, 15:00


du hast tolle Geräte

die Poker Automaten sind echt toll der Grand Hand und der Kreuz Ass sind tolle Automaten die bereits in meiner Sammlung sind.

wenn du gut gewartet und repariert sind und der Bildschirm funktioniert, dann wirst du die auf jedenfall los..

Natürlich ist der Transprt schon etwas komplizierte nach Deutschland

drücke dir die Daumen

meist muss nur die Batterie erneuert werden und das Gerät Initalisiert werden...

Viel Glück beim verkauf und putzen... ;dance

Verwendete Tags

merkur disc


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